First Chat Free Astrology App in 2024

Today there are various app about astrology and they give your details about how your life going how your life hurdles or your opportunities career growth many options are available in the astrology . There are many app you find in the Play Store or any other platform about free chat with an Astrologer like in India The Astrologer app name astrotalk is very popular in which you can talk to astrologer and tall then your problem or what question do you ask from it they can talk to you and give it give reply to your question but today now we have here to discuss about how the first chat free astrology app is launched.

If you are interesting to know about your future also know about your part that do you stepping the path is correct or not in future it is benefit for you and this gave  loss to  you. Many people believe that what type of work they could start but firstly they can talk to astrologer and as per astrology they decide at what time they will start that kind of work even if you want to be married then you should ask to astrologer about you and your  partner  married peacefully.

First Chat Free Astrology App
First Chat Free Astrology App

There are various form of astrology like horoscopic astrology Hrithik astrology tarot card astrology candle reading many more what you are intuition say you can go for that if you want to know by by reading of your tarot cards then you can simply asked in you can check itself if you know how to read tarot found out the result of the answer you want to know. And if you going to begin a new work consult an Astrologer then what time will try good for you to start any kind of stuff you have two ways first you walked by self and go to n astrologer then ask your question regarding any topic any thing and second you can choose online astrology app and talk to a random astrologer or a well known astrologer and talk about all things what you want to know


In which Astrology app is free for chat?

Ans the first call or chat in Astrokon Astrolger ggghhhapp is free in which astrologer help you with all queries that you may have.

The pattern app is also best for astrology for Android can be accurate user start by their entry their name gender please and accept birth of date in exact location can also friends relationship analysis for the people who may not in astrological app by wrote their name initials.

Is astrotalk free ?

Ans yes it is 100% accurate and free. If you looking for free kundli from expert astrologer then it would be proof a right place . Your kundli will be prepared by

consulting 50 + astrologer in that app


is the astrology app named Astroyogi free?

It is the one of the best horoscope app in which you read out full details or predictions weekly monthly it . it gives you a daily accurate detail from horoscope.


who is real astrologer?

Sandeep Kochar is well known astrologer mentioned in all online platform he has a good knowledge in vedic astrology with a lot year of experience he should be recognised a one non astrologer who gave accurate details or predictions.


is astrology is real job ?

If you want to become a real astrologer you can study hard in astrology subject and 2 degree then you may go in astrology or vastu.


 Who is CEO of Astrotalk app?

Puneet Gupta is founder of Astrotalk app


which astrologer app is free for 5 min in call?

To get your free 5 minutes talking to astrologer you have to make account on monkvyasa  and give your information once you have account in that app you have eligible to talk any astrologer for 5 minutes.


why astrotalk app is more famous ?

Another reason that astronaut app is more famous because of its privacy in this app customer talk privately with astrologers it is the good way to build a product is to talk to the customers and give best for them.

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